FAQ: The Orcish-English Dictionary and Laser Cut Metal Orcish Word Cards
For the most up-to-date information about the status of our project, check our project updates on Kickstarter!

What does the opening Orcish blurb say?

Wouldn’t you rather translate it yourself?

Last updated: November 18, 2016 09:58

Where can I find the Orcish Word of the Day?

For the last couple weeks, I’ve been releasing one Orcish word per day via Twitter (@mattvancil) and Instagram (/mattvancil) under the hashtag #Orcish. Some of them have cute little doodles. Some of them have not-so-cute doodles. All of them will be in the dictionary.

Last updated: November 18, 2016 09:58

Is there anything I *shouldn’t* name a word after?

A lot of people have named a lot of words after the same few folks, and I’m running out of ways to twist their names into new vocabulary. You might want to think twice before naming something after J.R.R. Tolkien, Gary Gygax, William Shatner, or James T. Kirk. Also after a David or Jennifer—those names have been pretty much played out. But hey, it’s your word—I’ll do what I can to make what you want work.

Also: don’t be a jerk. Don’t use this as an opportunity to slam a person or group you don’t like. If it comes to it, I will veto anything I deem inappropriate.

Last updated: November 18, 2016 09:58

I don't have a dictionary yet, dumbass.

Right, good point. Here’s what it says:

“Many bards have found themselves at the end of a spear, unable to communicate with the orcs snarling at them. Don’t let this happen to you! Pick up a copy of the Orcish Dictionary today!”

Last updated: November 18, 2016 09:58

Will the cover feature new artwork, or use the same matte brown as the first edition?

The graphics featured in this campaign are taken from the cover artwork for the new edition. The new cover will have wraparound artwork with Wren and Rilk on the front and Grellnock and Yart on the back.

Last updated: November 18, 2016 10:53

Who is your artist?

The cover art was done by Jacob Blackmon. You can see more of his work via the following links. Deviant Art: http://prodigyduck.deviantart.com/ Jacob Blackmon Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/jacobblackmon

Last updated: November 18, 2016 13:15

Where can I find the Orcish Word of the Day?

For the last couple weeks, I’ve been releasing one Orcish word per day via Twitter (@mattvancil) and Instagram (/mattvancil) under the hashtag #Orcish. Some of them have cute little doodles. Some of them have not-so-cute doodles. All of them will be in the dictionary. Last updated: Fri, Nov 18 2016 12:58 pm EST

Is there anything I shouldn’t name a word after?

A lot of people have named a lot of words after the same few folks, and I’m running out of ways to twist their names into new vocabulary. You might want to think twice before naming something after J.R.R. Tolkien, Gary Gygax, William Shatner, or James T. Kirk. Also after a David or Jennifer—those names have been pretty much played out. But hey, it’s your word—I’ll do what I can to make what you want work. Also: don’t be a jerk. Don’t use this as an opportunity to slam a person or group you don’t like. If it comes to it, I will veto anything I deem inappropriate. Last updated: Fri, Nov 18 2016 12:58 pm EST

What does the opening Orcish blurb say?

Wouldn’t you rather translate it yourself? Last updated: Fri, Nov 18 2016 12:58 pm EST

I don’t have a dictionary yet, dumbass.

Right, good point. Here’s what it says: “Many bards have found themselves at the end of a spear, unable to communicate with the orcs snarling at them. Don’t let this happen to you! Pick up a copy of the Orcish Dictionary today!” Last updated: Fri, Nov 18 2016 12:58 pm EST

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