
The Orcish-English Dictionary and Laser Cut Metal Orcish Word Cards

Created by Matt Vancil

In addition to our brand new reference guide to the Orcish language from the hit web series JourneyQuest, we're also doing a pre-order run for another batch of the metal Orcish word cards we created for backers of JQ Season 3. We will be making a bulk purchase order of these cards in early November, so look below to place your order today. To meet our deadline, all orders must be submitted and paid for by November 1st.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Devad Lektam
about 6 years ago – Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 04:18:05 PM

Hadzag drobudz!

Yet slarit ek tentiarit! Arwelthag udz shimudz ho mathagas praskuluz humidz va ka.

Meknid cheggagas katha aka. Hushiniag ulsamudz kowalza devaz lektadz: Tadag Faiorsam. Liaruk akashae azimae quaz nodar darranrid kogul aka, net nodar brustovash akilad aggek. Brun arkturul lorul aka, diendid izziul aka.

Mathagas pipaz grezmelar uth nudz urru zorurru grezmela:

Ulsamor arketak 15 Hahadroar. Yet va melkuluz humidz ka!


Updated PDF Available
over 7 years ago – Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 02:16:17 PM

If you haven’t already, you should be receiving a notification from BackerKit soon that an updated version of the dictionary is available for download. This is the most up-to-date version, with all reported errors and omissions corrected. Nod tsrul kathak goradz faiorsadz. Special thanks to everyone who reported discrepancies in the text, and to Kº Wiley for knocking out the fixes so swiftly.


Hopjockey's Final Days

As of the writing of this update, my new project, Hopjockey, is 99% funded with 60 hours to go. Warag ek grinnel! While there are no orcs involved, their progenitor race—the Ord—has its footprints all over the project. The campaign ends this Sunday. You can read the first two chapters of the novel at the campaign page.

And finally,

Felisitulz Hushuagek Guluz

Ek ul, nodo dorkors, gomdak nodudz garigudz. Zseskag drobudz bat omuldro—drado kudae, drado martinae, drado gadgarae, ek drado birdo. Grezmelad keshkibad lithra ashek. Djaearor yet drada aka—possak mikafkudz zak drobudz mura ek vaikadz meraes sisturru djira. Warag, nodo orkors! Grinnel stanniudz! Brun mathas udz grezmela, raikhad aas.


Books are in Flight
over 7 years ago – Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 12:00:32 AM

Tad arunklak timors faes! Chumu drada grezmeladz.

Shipping has begun! By now, you all should have received the PDF version of the dictionary. And by the end of the day, 90% of your packages will be in the mail.

If you have not yet answered your survey, there should be a reminder email in your inbox. If you have not received your PDF, or it you're experiencing any issues with BackerKit, please let me or them know. They're very responsive, and we've already (well, they've already) knocked out a few backer issues.

Additionally, if you notice any discrepancies in the text of the PDF—errors or omissions or the like—please let me know. We're keeping a running tab on any typos that survived the editing process. The bastards.

And finally, a hearty thank you! for making this project a reality. Due to your contributions and creativity, the language is nearly three times the size it was in Season 2. I wish you hours of fun perplexing your friends and insulting your enemies. Ud drado omisto aga, no dorkors. Zseskag!



Books Have Arrived, Shipping Begins Monday
over 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 03:55:31 PM

Barlulz omur aggek!


Victory is ours! We have raided the printers and liberated your books, leaving behind us a trail of blood and movable type. Warag!

In the previous update, I said shipping would begin the week of the 25th. Turns out I lied—we're gonna miss that by two days. Shipping will begin next Monday, March 27, which is also when BackerKit will be charged.

If you've filled out the BackerKit survey—and most of you have—your dictionary will be off to you by this time next week. However, if you're one of those thrill-seekers who've been waiting until the last minute to fill out the survey (I think there are seven of you?), that last minute is Monday. Otherwise, it's catapult time.

For those of you receiving the leather-bound version of the dictionary: those will take a little longer, as they each have to be hand-made. I'll contact you individually when those are ready to ship.

In tangentially related news:

Korniare—Hopdjakid muppul aka!

A week after its launch, the Hopjockey campaign is over 50% funded. I mention this because some backers have been busy collecting clues as to how all the story worlds connect—including this (correctly!) fan-translated Orcish scene from The Gamers: Hands of Fate.


Off to the Printers (and a New Campaign)
over 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:36:07 PM

It's Alive!

The proofs have come in, and they're lovely. See for yourself:



We caught a couple of minor errors, but nothing that wasn't a quick fix and certainly nothing to hold up the print run. We've submitted the order, and should be shipping dictionaries far and wide the week of the 25th. Language fluency tests will follow shortly thereafter. (Kidding.) (Am I?) WARAG!


Today marks the launch of HOPJOCKEY, my new project and first novel since PWNED. This is a cross-genre project I've been setting up for years, and one that ties together all the other work I've done. If you're a fan of JourneyQuest—and I'm guessing you are—you'll want to check this out. The first two chapters up and available on the campaign page. If you're so inclined, you can follow along on my Patreon as the rest of the novel is written. (There's also a new video there with some very funny people.) (Plus I get made fun of. A lot.)

Kezseskag for your support and making this project a reality! If orcs could smile, I'm sure they'd be doing so.
