
The Orcish-English Dictionary and Laser Cut Metal Orcish Word Cards

Created by Matt Vancil

In addition to our brand new reference guide to the Orcish language from the hit web series JourneyQuest, we're also doing a pre-order run for another batch of the metal Orcish word cards we created for backers of JQ Season 3. We will be making a bulk purchase order of these cards in early November, so look below to place your order today. To meet our deadline, all orders must be submitted and paid for by November 1st.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Proof of Life
over 7 years ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2017 at 08:05:54 PM

Greetings! Just a quick update to let you know that proofs have been ordered and should arrive for review in a couple of days. Barring any major changes, they’ll be off to printing shortly thereafter. And shortly thereafter that, they’ll be off to you in the mail.

If you haven’t already done so, it is imperative you finish the BackerKit survey. This is assuming you actually want your dictionary -- you know, the thing you paid for? -- delivered, and not fired out of a catapult in a random direction (company policy for packages with no address). Considering the maximum range I’ve been able to hit with said catapult is in the hundreds of yards, unless you live within that radius, your package is unlikely to land at your abode. So fill out the survey.



** Duplicate post, please ignore **
over 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 08:41:04 PM

Accidentally hit "publish" on the same post multiple times.

Draft Complete, ONWARD to Layout!
over 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 08:37:02 PM


It took almost an entire ream of paper, but we have a draft of the dictionary! (The final version will be prettier). Next up is layout, after which will come review of the proof, any final revisions, and printing. Once the books arrive, BackerKit will be charged, and the flurry of mailings will begin. We’re still well on track to ship in March.

If you haven’t done so already, please be sure to complete the BackerKit survey so we can get you your rewards. 96% of you have done this already, so this is meant for the handful of stragglers who haven't yet replied. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. I don’t, though, so please do complete the survey. (It may be in your spam folder.)

Meknid Orko!

** Duplicate post, please ignore **
over 7 years ago – Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 08:36:57 PM

Accidentally hit "publish" on the same post multiple times.

Submission Deadline Today
over 7 years ago – Sun, Jan 15, 2017 at 07:01:12 PM

Chidad glorad omur aka!

All submissions of Orcish words, phrases, and clans are due today. A big thank you to all backers who’ve already sent in your materials. I will be working throughout the day to coin your words as the submissions come in.

If you’ve sent in your material in but haven’t heard from me, don't worry, it’s only because I haven’t reached your email yet. The stack is deep. Folks who’ve bought +1 or +3 Orcish words via the BackerKit will have a little more time; I’ll be emailing you in the coming days.

Thank you one and all for contributing to the project! Grinnel! WARAG!
