
The Orcish-English Dictionary and Laser Cut Metal Orcish Word Cards

Created by Matt Vancil

In addition to our brand new reference guide to the Orcish language from the hit web series JourneyQuest, we're also doing a pre-order run for another batch of the metal Orcish word cards we created for backers of JQ Season 3. We will be making a bulk purchase order of these cards in early November, so look below to place your order today. To meet our deadline, all orders must be submitted and paid for by November 1st.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Art Prints Unlocked
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Nov 29, 2016 at 10:26:36 PM

Orkulz hushransagek bramkitzudz!

Another stretch goal falls! The orcs have smashed their way into the museum, and not knowing what to do with what they found there (you can’t eat it), they’ve decided to leave it be. As a result, all backers at $50 and above will receive a print of the cover art.

Next goal: more declensions! Will we get there? I decline to speculate.

Arhobsag dru rudz

A number of folks have asked for an example of the clans that will be created for the “Sponsor an Orcish Clan” reward. In the coming days, I’ll send out an update with two sample clans: the Red Heels and the Mancutters. I'll also share some examples of phrases for the “Watch Your Phrasing” reward.

Potsarit nudz drodud andraruz!

Haven’t coined your word yet? There’s no need to wait for the end of the campaign. If you’re a backer, message me through Kickstarter and I’ll get your word all nice and orcified. The more more coining I can get done during the campaign, the sooner you’ll all have the book. Thank you!


Another Stretch Goal Slain
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 10:39:04 AM

Silvul chidjiax alanak!

The orcs have advanced far enough to slay their second stretch goal: a second conjugation for verbs. From this point forward, all verbs coined as part of this campaign will take the infinitive suffix “–ai,” with the rest of the conjugation to follow in the updated grammar section. It may not look like much now, but this will affect everything from the phrase book to future seasons of the show.

The orcs have caught the scent of their next target: prints of the cover art.

Grinnel! WARAG!


We're Funded!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Nov 19, 2016 at 05:11:53 PM

Klemintad roch, omulo! 

We made it! In under 26 hours, you've funded the new edition of The Orcish-English Dictionary! Eowin!

We've also already hit our first Stretch Goal—the foreword to the new edition will be written by Jason Bulmahn, Lead Designer of the Pathfinder RPG and the mind behind Minotaur Games. I should probably tell him.

A huge THANK YOU! to everyone who who's pledged, shared, and promoted the campaign. We've got three weeks left now to pack this dictionary with as much unlocked content as we can. I'll be contacting you individually to coin your words, frame your phrases, and name your clans. Onward, to stretch goals!

Zseskag drobudz, nodo dorkors!